Contributing to the site
Help us make this site wonderful
Any grad student is welcome to contribute to this site. There is no editorial board -- you can just change things, we all trust each other :)
To be able to log in and edit, you simply need to ask an "admin" grad student to add you as an editor. Here's a list of admins" (who actively maintain this site).
Stephen Antonoplis <>
Everett Wetchler <>
Felicia Zerwas <>
Guide (or links to a guide) to driving-distance nature places: national parks, tahoe, etc (in "Nature and Hiking")
Guide (or links to a guide) to San Francisco
About "GitBook" - where all of this info lives
We have a free "premium" version where we can have unlimited contributors (because we are part of a nonprofit/school).
The onlllly weird thing about gitbook is that when you make changes, they do not automatically go live -- even after clicking the check mark to save, you will be looking at a draft that others cannot see. You have to click the blue "merge" button on the far left -- if you don't see it after making edits, click the top little menu icon on the farrr left (shows a letter A with some lines). See if that pops up. When you think you're done, it's best to check the site in a new, incognito Chrome tab (where you are logged out) to be sure the changes took effect. Contact any admin if you're having trouble!
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